Reasons why is it important to hire a qualified and experienced bedsore legal team to handle yourlawsuit.
​​​If you have any additional questions, feel free to call us at 800-278-2960 or
212-268-8200. Or email bedsores@RaphanLaw.com
It is important for a claimant to be represented by someone who is experienced in handling insurance companies, institutional medical facilities, and city agencies. Using experienced bedsore attorneys will increase the claimants chances of recovering a large monetary award.
We have the best resources to handle big cases against hospital, nursing home or large corporation.
Our bedsore lawyers are meticulous, intelligent, and aggressive while operating with the highest level of professionalism. The resources and legal team approach of medical professionals and expert witnesses work in tandem and have a track record of success in litigating bedsore lawsuits.
There is no fee for a consultation with our law firm either over the phone or in person. There are no fees charged unless and until your case is handled successfully and completed. There will be no charge to the client on any cases that are unsuccessful.