You may have a Bedsore Lawsuit against a hospital or Nursing Home.
Bedsores can be painful and deadly and there are laws in place to protect and compensate you or your loved one.
Call 212-268-8200 now for a free consultation!
Sadly, bedsores are the underlying cause of death for several thousand Americans each year. Bedsores are not the fault of the patient. The patient or nursing home resident is generally an innocent victim. Often, facilities even discharge patients or refer them to other facilities to pass off the responsibility. It's very likely they may not have the best interests of the patient at heart.
Chances are, if you noticed a bedsore before a nurse, aide, or staff member, then something is seriously wrong. And the institution in charge should be held accountable.

Bedsores are often a sign of neglect and can be the result of hospital malpractice, aide malpractice, or nursing home negligence. It is simply not acceptable that they should happen while a person is at a facility in the care of medical professionals. Medical negligence by a hospital, doctor, nurse, aide, or medical technician is unacceptable and may cause pain, suffering, or death to the patient. ​ Give us a call to find out if you may have or lawsuit,  if you prefer, email us about the situation at and we'll get back to you within 1/2 hour. There is no fee unless we win you a financial award.
Bedsores & Pressure Sore Lawsuits

​Millions have been awarded to those suffering from bedsores and pressure sores.
What to do first: If you have a loved one who is being neglected your first step is to correct the situation. If that's difficult for you to handle we can help. Do not be intimidated or frustrated by hospital or nursing staff members lack of help. Stopping the progression is your priority. If unsure how to handle the conversation with staff call us and we'll guide you through it.
Also, to see if you have a valid lawsuit or simply to find out your best options for care call us for a free consultation. All calls are confidential.
Bedsore Trial Attorneys. Call us for a cordial free consultation and a Bedsore Lawyer will let you know if you have a viable case that can get you a large financial award and the justice you deserve. 212-268-8200.
Find out your rights and best options today without any obligation. Our affiliated malpractice attorneys have successfully litigated hundreds of cases and won tens of millions of dollars for clients.
There are no fees unless our trial attorneys win you financial compensation! We pride ourselves on our expertise and personal attention to clients. You will not get lost in the shuffle. We are a hands-on bedsore law firm with dedicated legal teams well-versed in the laws relating to pressure sore, bedsore, and decubitus ulcers that occur while at a hospital, rehab, or nursing home.
Use our Online Case Evaluator to see if you have a valuable lawsuit by clicking here.
Midtown New York Offices
7 Penn Plaza (7th Ave/31st)
1 block from Penn Station
New York, NY 10001
Free Consultations: Call today to see if you have a valid lawsuit.
All calls are confidential.

New York Bedsore Lawsuit Attorneys: Includes; The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Queens. Tri-State area includes New York; Long Island, Upstate New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Nationwide representation is available in additional states. Free Consultation is available by phone or in person with bedsore attorney. Bedsore intake attorney may provide legal updates. There is no obligation for you to pursue a lawsuit. All information is free. All information is confidential. If we accept your bedsore lawsuit there is no fee. We only get a portion of the proceeds if and when we win your case. Hospital and Nursing Home visits are available for our clients in need.
©2024 Raphan Law Partners, LLP