Brian A. Raphan, Esq.

Time to get organized with The Living Balance Sheet:

Whenever I come across a way for a client or friend to simplify their life I tell them about it. This is especially true with their financial life. Whether you are in the retirement years or on your way I find this a very useful tool. It can save you lots of time and confusion from bouncing around and logging in and out of the different websites of your financial institutions –and also guide you with a clear plan.

A plan that makes sure your assets won’t run out while you still need them. Check out

The videos on the homepage will give you a good idea of the benefits. Also, as a client of our firm you’ll be able to have a single source website created for you FREE to completely organize your existing financial life. For this part, be sure to contact Benjamin Bush of the Forest Hills Financial Group. Ben is a smart, nice guy and registered financial planner as well. He can provide more information to you. Here’s his contact info:

Benjamin J Bush
Forest Hills Financial Group
122 E 42nd Street  Ste 2200
New York, NY 10168
646 638 9856 – Office
352 262 2795 – Cell – Email

You can also call me anytime to coordinate with your estate planning goals and legal needs.



#financialplanning #retirementplanning